HC Deb 07 March 1935 vol 298 c2107
13. Sir C. CAYZER

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that all His Majesty's inspectors of constabulary in their statements just issued have called attention to the over-weighting of the police owing to road traffic duties; and whether, in view of the increase of such duties, he proposes either to recommend the increase of the ordinary police forces or to create a special police road force to be attached to the local police forces?


Yes, Sir: this is a matter which has been engaging my attention for some time. Road accidents in particular take up a very large amount of the time of the police to the disadvantage of their primary duties, and the enforcement of the new speed limit in built-up areas will impose a further strain on police resources. I have let it be known that I am ready to consider any applications for necessary increases in strength to meet the situation.

Brigadier-General NATION

Will my right hon. Friend take into consideration the possibility of employing ex-service men in this connection?