HC Deb 30 July 1935 vol 304 cc2616-7

Lords Amendment: In page 21, line 43, at the end, insert: (5) If a housing association represent to the Department that they have submitted to the local authority proposals for arrangements under this section and that the local authority have unreasonably refused to make arrangements in accordance with the proposals, the Department may require the authority to furnish them with a report as to the matter stating the reasons for their refusal.

10.7 p.m.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Amendment is intended to make explicit what has been in the Bill all along, namely, that a housing association has the right to approach the Minister if a local authority unreasonably refuses to exercise its powers of making arrangements. The Amendment does not give any new right of appeal, but it lays down the steps that may be taken by the Department and the duty of the local authority where such a situation arises.


Under the 1930 Act it has been possible for a number of ratepayers in an area, if the local authority does not carry out the provisions of the Act, to make representations to the Minister and have an inquiry held. Does this Amendment limit that power, or does it give to the housing association the same power which now resides in the ratepayers, so that if they find a recalcitrant local authority which is not carrying out the Act it can approach the Minister.


The powers in the 1930 Act are in no way weakened. The provisions of that Act are of real help and have been utilised in Scotland, and we hope that they will be utilised frequently in future. The Amendment deals with the housing association and not with the powers contained in the Act of 1930.


But does it give to the housing association a similar power to that which at present resides in the ratepayers to approach the Minister?


It does no more than empower the local authorities to state their reasons if they go against the housing association.

Lords Amendment: In page 21, line 43, at the end, insert: