§ 12. Mr. LEVYasked the Home Secretary whether having regard to his recent statement that the sending of individual subscriptions to Dublin for sweepstake tickets is not an offence, it is proposed to permit the distribution of all such individual tickets, not being for resale, in this country by the Post Office?
Captain CROOKSHANKI would refer my hon. Friend to the reply which my right hon. Friend gave him on the 26th instant and to the reply which my right hon. Friend gave on the 27th instant to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for the Aston division of Birmingham (Captain A. Hope).
§ Mr. LEVYIs the hon. Gentleman aware that he is causing the Post Office to break an implied contract when a 1½d. stamp is affixed to an envelope to send something which is not an offence and it does not arrive at its destination? Further, if this letter is intercepted, what becomes of the money that it contains, and, alternatively, if a ticket is being returned from Dublin to London what becomes of the ticket?
§ Mr. PETHERICKUnder what Act of Parliament is the Post Office proposing to interfere with the liberties of the Englishman and the privacy of his correspondence?
§ At end of Questions—
§ Mr. LEVYI beg to give notice that, owing to the unsatisfactory reply, I shall raise this question at the earliest possible moment.