HC Deb 22 November 1934 vol 295 cc250-1
37. Mr. T. SMITH

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any Admiralty orders have been promulgated to the Fleet asking for submission of grievances from naval ratings under the new welfare scheme; when reports are to be called for in order that they may come under review in 1935; whether the status of the several engine-room ratings has been under consideration by the Personal Services Board with a view to simplifying their respective duties and privileges; and, if not, whether he will see that this matter is also reviewed?


Detailed orders of procedure have not yet been issued for the Review of Service Conditions which, as the hon. Member is aware, is to replace the Welfare Conference System. The Admiralty Order announcing the change of system stated that the first review would be ordered about the end of 1935. I am not quite sure what particular question affecting the status and privileges of engine-room ratings the hon. Member has in mind. It is of course open to any of the ratings affected to make representations at any time through the normal service channels provided by the Regulations, or alternatively to defer such representations until the Review of Service Conditions takes place.