HC Deb 03 May 1934 vol 289 c471

asked the Minister of Agriculture if his attention has been drawn to an article in the Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture for April recommending the substitution of wheat meal for ground oats in certain feeding mixtures owing to the rise in oat prices; and if this article was sanctioned by him before publication and meets with his approval?


The hon. Member no doubt refers to a paragraph entitled "Wheat v. Oats in a Laying Mash" which appeared in the April issue of the Journal, and of which I am sending him a copy. The "Notes on Feeding," of which the paragraph in question forms part, are contributed by the Principal of the Moulton Farm Institute, Northampton, and are intended to assist producers in effecting improvements and economies in farming practice. This paragraph recites experience gained at the institute's farm by the substitution of wheat meal for ground oats in the feeding ration of laying birds. It is made clear in the Journal that the Ministry does not accept responsibility for the views expressed or the statements made by contributors.


Is it not the case that two different policies appear to be advocated by the Ministry, one to raise the price of oats for the benefit of certain interests, and another to keep the price from rising?


I do not think that you can erect the scientific notes of a research institute into a policy.