§ 20. Mr. PARKINSONasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, with regard to the Native Authorities Ordinances, 1933, in Gambia Protectorate, steps can be taken to ensure that the authorities appointed are persons enjoying the respect of the population; and if he will consider whether some elective system could be introduced into their appointment?
Mr. M. MacDONALDThe existing system of appointing these authorities, as described in my reply to the hon. Member yesterday, is considered to afford adequate security that they will command popular confidence, and there seems no reason to think that a change in the system is desirable.
§ 21. Mr. PARKINSONasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will consider the representations made to him as a result of the opposition expressed by the urban district councillors of Bathurst and by ratepayers, workers, and other citizens of Bathurst, Gambia Colony, to the Native Authority Ordinance, the Native Tribunals Bill, and the Subordinate Courts Ordinance; and if he will take steps to disallow these Ordinances?
Mr. MacDONALDNo representations in the sense indicated have been received by my right hon. Friend. The Governor, in submitting the Ordinances in question for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure, forwarded a copy of a petition addressed to the Legislative Council of the Colony, and the views expressed in that petition will be duly considered before it is decided whether the Ordinances should be allowed.