HC Deb 25 April 1932 vol 265 c37
83. Sir W. SUGDEN

asked the Minister of Transport if his attention has been called to the accident when two cyclists were killed at a dangerous corner in Ruckholt Road, Leyton, near Ruckholt Bridge, on 24th March, 1932; and if he intends taking any action to ensure protection of the public at this place?


I have caused inquiries to be made concerning this accident. I am advised that white lines have been placed along the centre of the road and, so far as present conditions will permit, the highway authority appears to have taken all possible steps to secure the safety of the public. Proposals for a road improvement at this point estimated to cost about £80,000 have been considered, but I understand that the financial position has led to their deferment.


Will the hon. Member be so good as to read the coroner's report of this terrible accident, and, if the suggestion made by the coroner is a better method than that proposed by the Minister or the railway company, will he be prepared to adopt it?


I will read the coroner's report, but I would point out that this particular scheme was considered not only by the London County Council themselves but by my Department, in consultation with them, and the decision arrived at was the one I have stated.


Has the Minister consulted the railway company, because they have some of the benefit of this road and to some of us it appears that they are not pulling their weight.