HC Deb 06 November 1930 vol 244 c1024
45. Mr. MANDER

asked the Prime Minister whether he will endeavour to arrange that measures coming forward for approval from the Church Assembly shall not in future be taken after 11 o'clock but at an earlier hour, when full consideration can be given to them?


As the hon. Member is aware, the Business to which he refers is exempted, under the Standing Order, from the Eleven o'Clock Rule. In view of the very urgent Business that lies before the House, I cannot give any general undertaking such as the hon. Member desires, that Church Assembly measures shall take precedence, but I shall do my best to meet both the requirements of Business and the reasonable convenience of hon. Members.


Will the Prime Minister consider the possibility of taking these measures at 7.30 in the evening on some occasions, in the same way as is done with railway Bills, in order that there may be full discussion?


I will be very glad to enter into any arrangement which will both facilitate business and add to the convenience of hon. Members.


Is it not the case that the measures from the Church Assembly coming to this House under the 1919 Act come here for this House to consider whether or not they in any way encroach on the liberties of His Majesty's subjects, and not for detailed discussion?