HC Deb 17 April 1930 vol 237 cc3091-2
79. Captain EUAN WALLACE

asked the Minister of Pensions whether, when a sum of money has been granted in commutation of a portion of a war pension and has been applied to the particular purpose for which it was granted, the Ministry claims any further rights, legal or otherwise, in respect of this sum?


Commutation is a privilege and not a right, and the grant of it by the Ministry is subject to the condition, in the pensioner's interest, that the object in view is to his permanent advantage. Any action which the Minister can reasonably take to ensure this object is taken.


Does the Minister think it is much good giving a pensioner a lump sum for a specific purpose if at some future time that sum may be taken away or the Ministry may claim some sort of right over it?


I am afraid I did not Understand that that was conveyed by the Question on the Paper. If my hon. and gallant Friend will give me particulars, I will look into the matter.


Will the hon. Member consider the case of men who through partial incapacity or poor health are not able to carry on regular employment, but who might be able to do a good deal of work if they could buy a small business?


I am afraid that type of case would not come within the terms of the Regulations.