HC Deb 15 November 1928 vol 222 cc1049-50

asked the Minister of Pensions how many war orphans, mentally or physically incapacitated, are receiving allowances from the Ministry of Pensions; and what steps, if any, are being taken to pro- vide treatment and training for this type of orphan?


I have no information as to the total number of children in the condition referred to, as they are not separately classified. In addition to the continuance of allowances in suitable cases which serve the important object of providing for the maintenance of the child during any period of necessary treatment, I have encouraged war pensions committees to co-operate with both local authorities and voluntary agencies wherever necessary to secure whatever treatment or training is indicated as likely to enable these children, as far as possible, to contribute to their own support. I may add that in a certain number of cases I am able to make grants for surgical appliances out of the voluntary funds at my disposal.


asked the Minister of Pensions whether, seeing that pension allowances to mentally or physically incapacitated war orphans cease at the age of 21 in this country, although dependent brothers and sisters of the dead soldier are allowed to draw allowances so long as need and incapacity exist, this matter will be reconsidered?


The limited acceptance of liability which is allowed by the Royal Warrants in respect of an adult dependant of a deceased soldier is based on special conditions which are entirely different from those applicable to allowances in respect of a deceased soldier's children, and I should have no authority to extend the latter in the manner suggested.