HC Deb 23 May 1927 vol 206 c1651
56. Mr. R. SMITH (for Mr. COVE)

asked the President of the Board of Education if he is aware that in recent years it has only been found possible to accommodate a fraction of the applicants for most of the short courses for teachers in secondary schools; and whether, in view of the need of acquainting as many teachers as possible with the latest developments of teaching method, he is this year prepared to duplicate some of the courses or to organise others, so that all secondary school teachers desiring to take advantage of them may have the opportunity to do so?


The hon. Member will be aware that the object of the Board in organising these short courses is to supplement the numerous courses arranged by local authorities, universities, and other bodies, by providing for subjects of a more advanced and specialised character. The organisation of the courses presents special difficulties, especially as regard staffing, and it is essential that the teachers attending them should be very carefully selected if the facilities which can be provided are to be used to the best advantage. It is not possible to increase the number of courses this year, but the number of places provided is 35 per cent. in excess of the number in 1924, and the Board are fully alive to the importance of making the courses as widely accessible to teachers as the special circumstances, to which I have referred, permit.