HC Deb 17 March 1927 vol 203 cc2191-2
60. Mr. TAYLOR

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the increased danger and delay caused at the level crossing of the London and North-Eastern Railway Company in High Street, Lincoln, by the installation of mechanically-operated gates; and what steps he is taking to ensure the public safety and the minimum of delay and inconvenience?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am aware that electrically operated gates were recently installed at the level crossing to which the hon. Member refers, but I am advised that this method of operation is not more dangerous than the method of hand operation formerly in use. I am afraid that at level crossings where the volume of traffic passing both by railway and by road is heavy, inconvenience must necessarily arise.


Will the right hon. Gentleman have some inquiries made on the spot as to the increased danger from these mechanically propelled gates, and is he not aware that the Lincoln City Council at their last meeting passed a resolution urging that something should be done to remove this danger?

Colonel ASHLEY

If the hon. Member will kindly communicate with me privately, and give me some of those facts, I will have them looked into.


Thank you very much.

61. The Hon. Member further asked the Minister of Transport whether he will make representations to the London and North Eastern Company requiring them to relieve the congestion caused at level crossings in the City of Lincoln by the construction of a short avoiding line from Pyeroife to Washing- borough, in accordance with the Parliamentary powers granted to this railway company in 1924?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have no power to require a railway company to construct a line which is authorised, but not yet constructed. I will, however, bring the hon. Member's suggestion to the notice of the railway company concerned.