HC Deb 01 June 1927 vol 207 c371

asked the Minister of Labour the latest figure of those unemployed; and what was the last date at which the figure was at the same level since the War?


At 23rd May, 1927, the total number of persons on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Great Britain was 978,200. Statistics of unemployment on a corn parable basis are available only from January, 1921, and the figure I have quoted is the lowest recorded since that date.

Captain FRASER

Is there any truth in the allegation so frequently made that those reductions are due to the Government's action in tightening up unemployment benefit regulations?


No, Sir, there is no truth in it whatsoever. [HON. MEMBERS: "You know that is not so!"] There was no truth in it whatsoever at any time. An inquiry was made a year ago to see whether, as the result of any stricter administration, there were any number of people who had ceased to register. I have had that inquiry made again for my own purposes recently, and I think the total increase in any such number could not exceed 5,000, if, indeed, it came to as many, and no alteration has been made in the administration since a year ago.


Has the right hon. Gentleman's attention been called to the last White Paper issued by the Minister of Health, in which he states that there are a larger number of paupers in the country than for a very long time?


That does not arise out of the question.