HC Deb 12 July 1927 vol 208 c2103

I beg to move, in page 8, line 27, to leave out the words recreation ground. The object of this and the following Amendment—in page 8, line 37, after the word "private" to insert the words "recreation ground"—is fully to carry out the purpose of the hon. Member for Bridgeton (Mr. Maxton), who on the Committee stage moved an Amendment to Clause 10 dealing with the power to grant land for public and charitable purposes and to enable the Commissioners for Crown Lands to grant land for the purposes of recreation grounds. The hon. Member moved his Amendment under the first Sub-section of Clause 10, but he had not noticed that at the end of the Clause it was provided that Subsection (1), which dealt with buildings, should only enable a grant to be made of an area up to one acre. That obviously would be of no use for recreation grounds, and we therefore suggest that the words should be transferred from the first Sub-section to the second Sub-section, so as thereby to enjoy the larger limitation of five acres. I think these Amendments really meet the object which that hon. Member has in mind.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 8, line 37, after the word "private," insert the words "recreation ground."—[Mr. Guinness.]