§ 78. Mr. RAMSDENasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that the French import duties on textile goods have, in certain categories, been increased as much as 9.3 times; that these increases were made to compensate for the fall in the value of the franc; and whether, as the franc is now less than five times its parity value, he will make representations to the French Government, and invite them to reduce the co-efficient by which the duties have been increased?
§ Sir P. CUNLIFFE-LISTERI have been asked to reply. The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, but as regard the second part, I am given to understand that the differences between the rates of duty now and the rates before the war are justified by the French Government, not merely on the ground of the alteration in the exchange value of the franc, but also on the ground of the general rise in world prices.