HC Deb 09 November 1926 vol 199 c881

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any information showing which of the Chinese railways in which British investors are interested are now actually running; and whether interest on the English issue of the Tientsin-Pukow Bond is now being paid?


According to the latest report from His Majesty's Minister at Peking, the Shanghai-Nanking and the Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railways are now working well. As regards, the Peking-Mukden, the Tientsin-Pukow, and the Canton-Kowloon Railways, I understand that, although they are actually working, civil war conditions and interference by the, local authorities have considerably impaired their earning capacity. Both issues of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loans of 1908 and 1910 are still in default.