§ 16. Viscount CURZONasked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the bad condition of the main roads of Leicestershire; whether he is aware that their condition compares very unfavourably with other counties which have no local stone; whether any grants have been made or promised to the Leicestershire County Council from the Road Fund; if so, how much; and whether steps can be taken to secure that repairs shall be 1940 more promptly carried out when necessary, and that more efficient methods of repair are used in future?
§ Mr. GOSLINGNo reports of an exceptional character have reached me with regard to the roads in Leicestershire. Grants from the Road Fund amounting to £120,822 were made to the Leicestershire County Council during 1923–24, and this in itself is an indication that works on a considerable scale have been put in hand. General supervision is exercised by the engineering staff of my Department with a view to the encouragement of the most efficient methods of road maintenance.
§ Viscount CURZONIs the hon. Gentleman aware that the condition of the roads of the country is the subject of general complaint, and will he see whether something can be done?
§ Mr. BLACKMay I ask the right hon. Gentleman, as being a Member of the Leicestershire County Council, whether it is not a fact that £250,000 per annum has been spent on Leicestershire roads during the last three years, and the majority of the main roads are as smooth as billiard tables?