HC Deb 12 July 1923 vol 166 cc1562-3
84. Captain DIXON

asked the Minister of Agriculture what was the average price of fat and store cattle for the months of January, February, March, April, and May in 1922, and the average prices for the same cattle during these months in 1923?


As the reply is in the form of a statistical statement, I propose, with the concurrence of my hon. and gallant Friend, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

THE AVERAGE PRICES of first quality fat and store cattle (Shorthorns) at the markets in England and Wales at which statistics of prices are obtained in each month from January to May, 1922 and 1923, respectively, were as follows:—
Fat Cattle. Store Cattle.
Month. 1922. 1923. Yearlings. Two-year-olds. Three-year-olds.
1922. 1923. 1922. 1923. 1922. 1923.
per stone.* per stone.* per head. per head. per head. per head. per head. per head.
s. d. s. d. £ s. £ s. £ s. £ s. £ s. £ s.
January 14 9 14 3 14 2 13 16 21 1 20 16 26 11 25 18
February 14 10 14 4 13 14 20 11 26 15
March 14 10 14 0 13 14 20 5 25 19
April 15 2 13 11 14 12 14 5 21 13 20 13 29 2 26 0
May 15 11 14 2 15 2 14 16 22 13 21 8 30 0 26 16
* Per stone (14 lbs.) estimated dressed carcase weight.
† Markets for store stock were closed during the greater part of February and March, 1922 owing to foot-and-mouth disease restrictions.