HC Deb 19 April 1920 vol 128 cc36-7
55. Captain COOTE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture what is the total number of men settled on the land under the Land Settlement Facilities Act, 1919; the total acreage acquired; and the average cost per acre; how many applications are outstanding; to how many men have loans been made and to what total amount; and whether he can state the total estimated loss due to uneconomic rents which will be incurred as the result of small holdings hitherto established under the above-mentioned Act?


As the answer to this question is very long, I propose to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the answer prepared:

England and Wales.
Number of men actually settled (civilians and ex-service men) 5,794 on 79,631 acres.
Total acreage acquired, or agreed to be acquired, by the County Councils with the Ministry's approval 187,590 acres.
Average cost of land per acre Number of applications outstanding (ex-service men and civilians):— £41 4s.
Approved and awaiting land 20,060
Waiting interview; and standing over 10,890
Loans guaranteed (figure's only available up to 31st December, 1919) 10 for a total of £1,575.

Full information has not yet been received from the Councils as to the terms (including rent) on which the holdings have been let to those men already in occupation. Moreover, certain questions of equipment are still outstanding, and it is therefore not possible at present to supply precise information in reply to the last part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question.

In addition to this the Ministry has acquired 28,294 acres for the purposes of farm settlements.

Out of a total of 1,891 applicants, 697 have been approved, and of these 511 men are already settled. Forty-eight applicants are awaiting interview. The remaining applications have either been withdrawn or rejected.