HC Deb 29 July 1919 vol 118 cc1928-9
42. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what decision has been arrived at with regard to the expenditure and control of the various moneys in the hands of the Army Trustee?


The Government have decided to create a central authority consisting of a Central Council with a Board, of Management representative of all interests, serving and ex-serving, to organise the disposal of all canteen profits, and I am glad to say that General Sir Julian Byng has consented to act as Chairman of the Board of Management. Sub-Committees and County Committees will, be formed as part of the organisation. It is proposed that representatives on the Central Body and the County Committees should be allotted to the principal voluntary organisations at present existing, e.g., Comrades of the Great War, National. Federation of Discharged and Demobilised Sailors and Soldiers, National Association of Discharged and Demobilised Sailors and Soldiers, Soldiers and Sailors' Help Society, Soldiers and Sailors Families' Association, etc. All canteen profits available for distribution will be administered by the new organisation, the Central Funds Representative Committee being abolished.


Is the post which General Byng has gone to a paid post. Are there other salaried officials, and will their salaries appear on the War Office Vote?


I think all the expenses will come out of the fund. The idea is that it shall not be part of any Government organisation, but something separate and apart.


Does the right hon. Gentleman mean that the profits made out of the men are partly to be spent in paying salaries to people like General Byng and people who are associated with him in the distribution of the money?


I do not know that ho will have a salary. Undoubtedly there will be expenses. You cannot carry on an organisation of that kind without expenses. No doubt part of the funds will be invested. I think it will be quite proper that the interests from those investments should defray part of the costs of administration. It is not intended that there shall be an expensive administration in any shape or form.


How can we discuss it? Will it be; on any Army Vote or must we seek some other occasion?


I think it will undoubtedly be in order to discuss it on the Army Vote to-night, subject to anything that the Chairman of Committees might have to say.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir F. HALL

Is the whole amount invested, and is the interest being credited to the canteen funds?


No, the whole of it is not invested, because the greater part of it is still in the shape of canteen stocks, and until those stocks are liquidated and the business is wound up it is impossible to say with accuracy what the funds will amount to. A very large proportion of the amount that has been liquidated is in the form of investments.

Major E. WOOD

Will it be proposed to make grants from these funds to regimental associations?


I should imagine so, but that will be one of the questions to be settled by the Board of Management.


Will it come up for discussion in the House


Is there any intention of closing the Canteen Committee or will it still continue?


The greater part of these funds are derived from the expeditionary force canteens, and as the troops are repatriated that part of canteen activity will be wound up. There is every intention of continuing the Navy and Army Canteen Board.