HC Deb 25 July 1919 vol 118 c1745

(2) In addition to the matters in respect to which by-laws may be made under that Section, by-laws may be made there under for houses or buildings intended for human habitation, or houses the mode of occupancy whereof is altered in such a manner as to increase the number of separate houses, in respect to the following matters:

(d) The maximum number of houses to be erected on a given extent of ground:


I beg to move, after paragraph (d), to insert

  1. "(e) The number of storeys in a tenement containing houses, and the arrangements of such tenements in blocks or otherwise;
  2. (f) The provision of open spaces about houses."
This is designed to give effect to certain suggestions made by my right hon. Friend opposite (Sir D. Maclean) when the Bill was in the Committee stage. I ventured to put before the Committee that it was not absolutely essential that these words should be inserted, because I thought they were covered by the provisions of the Bill. Since then I have looked into the matter again, and I think perhaps there is a little doubt as to whether, apart from the insertion of these words, the points which my right hon. Friend pressed upon me would be sufficiently met. In order that there should toe no doubt about them I have put this Amendment on the Paper.

Amendment agreed to.