HC Deb 25 July 1919 vol 118 cc1745-6

(2) (a) Every local authority shall make by-laws regulating the occupancy of houses of one or two apartments, and prescribing, in accordance with a cubic space standard, the number of adult persons and children who may occupy such houses."


I beg to move, to leave out the words "Every local authority," and to insert instead thereof the words "The local authority of every district other than a burgh."

This Amendment and the next are intended, taken together, to remedy an inconsistency which was pointed out in Committee between the new by-law power as it would exist in burghs and in counties respectively. The Amendment makes the provision of these by-laws identical in town and in country districts.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: Leave out the words '' of one or two apartments,'' and insert instead thereof the words "used or intended to be used for occupation by the working classes."—[Mr. Munro.]