HC Deb 22 July 1919 vol 118 c1142
34. Sir J. BUTCHER

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is now in a position to announce his decision as to the issue of a special badge or decoration to be worn by officers and men who have been mentioned in dispatches and who have not already received any special decoration?

Captain GUEST

The question of awarding a special ribbon or decoration to all those who have been mentioned in dispatches has been carefully considered, and it was decided that it would be un desirable to add to the number of decorations and ribbons already granted.

Lieut.-Colonel MURRAY

Did not the Secretary of State for War inform the hon. Member who put the question some weeks ago that he would consider whether it would not be possible to introduce a system of palms, such as obtains in the French Army, in order to satisfy the desire on the part of officers and men who have been mentioned in dispatches to have some sort of recognition, and will the hon. Gentleman bring that to the attention of the Secretary of State?

Captain GUEST

Yes, I admit there is a discrepancy between the two replies, and I will draw my right hon. Friend's attention to it.