HC Deb 22 July 1919 vol 118 c1143
40. Mr. RAPER

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what steps are being taken definitely to settle the compensation claim of Mr. Thomas Clark Barcliff, in view of the fact that Mr. Barcliff has been discharged as incurable from five hospitals and has also been declared to be suffering from paralysis agitans by every nerve specialist who has examined him?


Mr. Barcliff has received the maximum compensation pay able under the scheme framed under the Injuries in War Compensation Act, 1914 (Session 2) which applies to his case. In the opinion of the Treasury Medical Referee, Mr. Barcliff would benefit from a course of special treatment suitable for the malady from which he is suffering, and arrangements are being made for him to receive such treatment.


Is the right hon. Gentle-man aware that the Treasury Medical Referee is not an authority on nervous complaints, and that these hospitals have reported this man to be absolutely incurable?


I do not know. I do not think I can admit that the Treasury Medical Referee is not an authority on nervous complaints. I am most anxious to do anything I can in my power in the case, which is exceedingly hard. I will willingly look into it again to see if any further steps can be taken.