HC Deb 22 July 1919 vol 118 cc1304-6

(1) Where the owner of a house or building applies to the local authority for. assistance for the purpose of carrying out 'works for the reconstruction, enlargement, or improvement thereof, and the local authority of the district in which the house is situated are of opinion that after the works are carried out the house or building would be in all respects fit for habitation as a house or as house? of the working classes, and that the circumstances of the district in regard to housing accommodation are. such as to make it desirable that the works should be carried out, the local authority may lend to the owner the- whole or any part of such sum as may be necessary to defray the cost of the works, and any, charges, or exposes incidental thereto.

Lords Amendments:

In Sub-section (1), after the word "authority" ["applies to the local authority for assistance"], insert the words within the meaning of part 111. of the principal Act of the district in which the house is situated. —Agreed to.

Leave out the words of the district in which the house is situated. —Agreed to.

Leave out the word ''of" ["houses of the working classes"], and insert instead thereof the word for —Agreed to.

After CLAUSE 22 insert, the following new Clause A.

(Purchase of Building Materials in Possession of a Government Department.)

A. Any bricks or other building materials in the possession of a Government Department which are available for purchase by a local authority for the erection or improvement of houses under the Housing Acts shall also be available for purchase on not less favourable terms by any owner of a house or building or site who enters in to an agreement, with such security as may be prescribed by regulations made by the Local Government Board to use all building materials so purchased by him in the erection or improvement of houses for the working classes.


I beg to move, That this House doth disagree with the Lords in the said Amendment. Whilst I am desirous of securing that private persons who are building houses shall have what advantage can be properly given in respect of any material that may be at the disposal of a Government Department, I think the words of the Clause as passed by their Lordships House would go too far. Therefore, I shall ask the House to disagree with this Amendment, with a view of meeting the point by moving another Clause.

Question put, and agreed to.

Amendment made to the Bill: Instead of Clause A, disagreed with, insert the following new Clause:

(Provisions as to Sale of Building Materials.) Subject to any conditions prescribed by the Local Government Board, with the consent of the Treasury, any bricks or other building materials which have been acquired by a Government Department for the purpose of the. erection or improvement of houses for the working classes and which are not for the time being required for that purpose by any local authority or public utility society may, during a period of two years from the passing of this Act, be sold to any person who undertakes to use the same forthwith for the purpose of erecting or improving houses for the working classes and to comply with the said conditions at a price sufficient to cover the cost of replacement at the time of sale or the materials so told." — [Dr. Addison.]