§ Any person duly authorised in writing by the Board in that behalf shall have power to inspect and examine any stallion which is or which he has reason to believe has been travelled for service, or exhibited at any market or show or in any public place, and shall for the purposes of this Act have power to enter at all reasonable times any premises where he has reason to believe any stallion is kept, and any person who refuses to allow any person so authorised to inspect and examine any such stallion or to enter any premises which he is entitled to enter under this Section or obstructs or impedes him in the exercise of his powers under this Section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.
§ Mr. PROTHEROI beg to move, to leave out the words "at any market or show or in any public place," and to insert instead thereof the word "aforesaid."
These words are inserted to carry out my pledge, that the inspector should not only be authorised by authority to inspect, but that he should, when asked, produce that authority, and the words carry out that pledge.
§ Amendment agreed to.
§ Further Amendments made:
§ Leave out the words "any person who refuses to allow any person so authorised," and insert instead thereof the words 1131 "if any person refuses to allow any person who is so authorised and who, if so required, produces his authority."
§ After the word "section" ["under this Section shall be liable"], insert the words "that person."—[Mr. Prothero.]