HC Deb 23 November 1917 vol 99 cc1529-30
5. Mr. T. WILSON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he is aware that the last issue of the "National Food Journal" contains thirty-six pages, twelve of which deal with questions asked in the House of Commons and the replies given to them; that this matter is printed in a different sized type to that used in printing the same questions and replies in the OFFICIAL REPORT; if he will state how many copies of this journal are printed; what is the cost of producing this journal; how many copies are sold to the public; and whether, in view of the shortage of paper, he will take steps to reduce the size of the journal, and, by so doing, economise in the use of paper in the same way that he desires the people of the country to economise in the use of food?


The answer to the first two parts of the question is in the affirmative. Fifty, thousand copies of the journal are printed, and of these about 15,000 are sold to the public. The size of the paper does not, normally exceed twenty-four pages, and the cost of printing this is. £210.The last issue covered a period of three weeks, and was, therefore, larger than usual. The journal is produced chiefly for the information of the food control committees, the police, and others engaged in the administration of the Food Controller's Orders. The demand for an authoritative and accessible record of the activities of the Department, including answers to Parliamentary questions, is so considerable that it is difficult to dispense with any of the present features of this journal, especially as its publication effects a clear saving of printing in other directions.


Does not the Department supply the local committees with Statutory Orders and Rules apart from what appears in the journal?


They have been independently supplied with the publications, but no doubt now, in view of the issue of the journal, those publications will reach them in this way.


That means that they will be supplied twice over with the same Regulations.


No; they will be supplied once only in the form of the journal.


Does that mean that the Statutory Rules and Regulations will not be printed in any other form but in the journal?


I cannot say that. It may be necessary to print them in some other way.


Can the hon. Gentleman say the amount of the income from the 15,000 copies sold?


They are sold at two pence a copy.

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