HC Deb 19 November 1917 vol 99 c859
64. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the fall of the dynasty in Russia has affected the annual payment to the Dowager Duchess of Coburg; if not, whether he will state the nature of the contract involving this payment and the consideration for which it was given; whether all the terms of the contract have been respected on both sides; and, if not, whether he will consider the advisability of revising the whole question, and eventually of distributing the money saved to the poor mothers of soldiers who have rendered especially good service at the front?


I can add nothing to the reply given to the hon. Member on this subject on the 5th June.


Does the right hon. Gentleman not know that this question has never been answered with precision? Was a definite contract entered into between this country and Russia; have the terms of that contract been maintained, and, if not, will the contract be rescinded?


If the hon. Gentleman will read the answer he will find that.