HC Deb 14 March 1917 vol 91 cc1095-6

(by Private Notice): I wish to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if the Government will afford an opportunity upon which I can make a statement in reference to the Dardanelles operations?


Yes, Sir, the Government will be quite ready to afford such an opportunity, and I would suggest that it should be on Monday or Tuesday. I shall let the right hon. Gentleman know definitely to-morrow. Perhaps I may add for the benefit of hon. Members that it is necessary to have a sitting on Friday, the Motion for which will be put down to-day. In addition to the Vote of Credit to-morrow it may be possible to take a few remaining Orders, and the Third Reading of the National Service Bill. Failing the latter, the Third Reading will be taken on Friday, with the Report stage of the Vote of Credit.


Will the Dardanelles Report be in such a form as will allow of free discussion?


I should like to discuss the form with my right hon. Friend the late Prime Minister, but I should think the most convenient form would be that the Adjournment should be moved from these benches. That will permit of ample discussion.