HC Deb 14 March 1917 vol 91 c1095

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer a question of which I have given him private notice, namely, whether he will consider the possibility of placing the House in possession of the purport of the passages excised from the Dardanelles Commission Report so far as may be possible without detriment to the public interest? [HON. MEMERS: "No, no!"]


On receipt of the notice of this question I discussed it with my colleagues. We have every desire that the House should be in possession of all the information that can be given without detriment, and I think it would be reasonable that an examination of these excisions should be made from that point of view. If my right hon. Friend the late Prime Minister (Mr. Asquith) will undertake to act with a small Committee of the Cabinet for this purpose, we shall be very glad to have it done and to circulate it as a White Paper.