HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1827-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number and names of the present Trade Commissioners, with their respective headquarters; and if he will state how many of them have paid official visits to Ireland, and when and to what districts such visits were paid?


There are four Trade Commissioners at present: Mr. Hamilton Wickes, in Canada and Newfoundland, at Montreal; Mr. Milne, in Australia, at Melbourne; Mr. Dalton, in New Zealand, at Wellington; and Mr. Wickham, in South Africa, at Cape Town. The following official visits to Ireland have been paid by the Trade Commissioners: In 1911 Mr. Hamilton Wickes, who was then Trade Commissioner in Australia, visited Dublin and Belfast. In 1912, Sir Southern Holland, who was then Trade Commissioner in South Africa, visited Belfast. In 1914, Mr. Wickham, who was then Trade Commissioner in New Zealand, visited Dublin and Belfast. In 1915, Mr. Hamilton Wickes, who had by then been transferred to Canada, visited Dublin. In 1916, Mr. Milne, Trade Commissioner in Australia, visited Dublin. I may add that Belfast, Dublin, and Londonderry are included in the tour which Mr. Hamilton Wickes is at the present moment undertaking. None of the Trade Commissioners visited the United Kingdom in 1913.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the Trade Commissioners have been increased from four to sixteen?


That is in contemplation.


Will the hon. Gentleman say why those Trade Commissioners have only visited Dublin and Belfast? Why not visit the South and West of Ireland?