HC Deb 21 November 1916 vol 87 c1185

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that men who attained the age of forty-one before the second Military Service Act became law are still receiving notice calling them up for service under this Act; and whether, in view of the fact that these men are not legally liable for service, he will issue instructions to the recruiting officers to this effect?


I must refer the hon. Member to the question he asked on the 7th instant, in which he referred to men of forty-one who were excepted under the first Military Service Act as having offered themselves for enlistment and been rejected and who attained the age of forty-one before the second Military Service Act became law. The answer then given to the hon. Member's question applied only to the men described in the question and was not a general statement. Single men are liable to be called up under the Military Service Acts if they had not attained the age of forty-one before the 2nd March, 1916. Married men are liable to be called up under the Military Service Acts if they had not attained the age of forty-one before the 24th June, 1916.


Will my hon. Friend give instructions to the recruiting officers as to the records of the particular class of men mentioned in my previous question: they are still being called up?


That matter is being now looked into.