HC Deb 20 October 1915 vol 74 cc1794-5
49. Mr. HOGGE

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the existence of a Retrenchment Committee supposed to represent the House of Commons; whether it is within his knowledge that this Committee is making recommendations about economies of which they have no knowledge; that they are attempting to interfere with Scottish Departments although there is no Scottish Member on the Committee; and whether, in view of the dissatisfaction their interference is causing, he will either have the Committee discharged, or make it a representative Committee of the House of Commons, or compel it to make a report to the House before any or all of its recommendations are adopted?


The Committee to which the hon. Member refers is a Treasury Committee, which is examining with great care the possibility of economy in Civil Departments. I am not aware that the recommendations which they have made have caused any dissatisfaction, and I am not prepared to interfere with their discretion.


Has the right hon. Gentleman not heard from Scotland that there is a large amount of dissatisfaction with regard to this matter?


Did not this Committee recommend a postal economy which was promptly withdrawn?


In view of the fact that thrift is a characteristic of Scotland, does the right hon. Gentleman not think that representatives of that country would make good members of this Committee?