HC Deb 17 November 1914 vol 68 cc319-20

MONEY asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he has any official information showing that there has been speculation in military supplies, and that middlemen have been at work to make profit out of the national emergency; that this has held up some supplies and has increased the cost of others; that one middleman bought 5,000 jerseys at 3s. 11d., offered them to the War Office at 4s. 5d., was refused, and then sold them to a Territorial association at 6s. 11d.; and, if so, will he make example of the offenders or exercise the powers conferred by Parliament to seize, goods held up for unjust prices?


There is reason to believe that middlemen have made profit out of the national emergency. A case resembling in some respects that quoted in the hon. Member's question has been brought to my notice. Means are being devised to avoid competition and to ensure greater co-operation between the War Office and Territorial Force Associations.