HC Deb 04 May 1914 vol 62 cc23-4
38. Mr. FELL

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if the absence of river gunboats in Chinese waters was the indirect cause of the recent destruction near Macao of the British steamer "Tai On" by pirates; and if this arose owing to the failure of the Admiralty to build the new gunboats which were voted by Parliament for the purpose of patrolling the Chinese rivers?


In the absence of particulars of this incident, speculation is useless. The British patrol of the Canton Delta is believed to be sufficient for its purpose.


May I ask if the neglect to build these two river gunboats, voted by the House, must not have some effect on the piracy in these rivers?


Without much fuller knowledge, I think that no one can say whether the hon Gentleman's statement is true or not.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that piratical acts against British ships on this particular route have been almost of constant occurrence for many years past, and whether he could not see his way to afford some protection to British ships frequenting these waters?


If the hon. Gentleman will look at the Navy List he will see that we employ a considerable number of ships in the Far East, and the number has not been reduced during my term of office.


Have British ships any protection on the west river on the route between Canton and Hong Kong, where piracy has been frequent?


Yes, so far as I am aware there are a number of gunboats employed for duty on the west river, and it is the crews of these gunboats which on mobilisation bring the battleships of the squadron up to full strength.