HC Deb 30 March 1914 vol 60 cc808-9
22. Mr. FREDERICK HALL (Dulwich)

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether, under a recent order, Customs watchers have been deprived of payment for overtime; if, under the same order, Customs officers on the establishment are given an annual allowance of £13 to compensate them for loss occasioned by the new arrangements; if, previously to the making of the new order, both classes of officers were treated in the same way as regards overtime pay; what is the rate of pay of the Customs watchers; and if he will state the reasons for the alteration made?


The circumstances are not such as the question appears to suggest. As the matter is rather complicated, I propose, with the permission of the House, to circulate a detailed answer with the Votes. [See Written Answers this date.]