HC Deb 19 February 1914 vol 58 cc1114-5
30. Sir R. BAKER

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state what recognition, if any, for their services at the battle of Dul Madoba has been given to Mr. Archer, Captain Somers, and Mr. Dunn?


The Companionship of the Order of St. Michael and St. George has been conferred upon Mr. Archer. Captain Somers has been promoted to a brevet majority, and the King's Police Medal has been awarded to Mr. Dunn, who has also been promoted to be head of the police in St. Vincent.


Might I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he thinks the award given to the last-named gentleman who actually brought back the remains of the Camel Corps and were responsible for the greater part of the action, and beat off the Mullah's men, is sufficient in comparison with the award to the other gentlemen?


If the hon. Member asks my private opinion I would say it is wholly insufficient, but it is the only award I have been able to give. If these two gentlemen—Captain Sorners and Mr. Dunn—had been qualified for the Distinguished Service Order, I should have applied for it for them. I did all in my power to show my recognition and high appreciation of their great gallantry.