HC Deb 04 August 1914 vol 65 c1929

2. "That a sum not exceeding £1,919,984 be granted to His Majesty to complete the sum necessary to defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending the 31st March, 1915, for expenditure in respect of the services included in Class II. of the Estimates of the Civil Service, namely:—

1. House of Lords Offices 10,987
2. House of Commons 209,448
3. Treasury and Subordinate Departments 63,263
4. Home Office 178,600
7. Privy Council Office 5,242
8. Board of Trade 232,550
9. Mercantile Marine Services 81,564
10. Bankruptcy Department of the Board of Trade 6
11. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 144,027
12. Charity Commission 16,572
13. Government Chemist 13,792
14. Civil Service Commission 26,885
15. Exchequer and Audit Department 41,235
16. Friendly Societies Registry 10,358
17. Local Government Board (including a Supplementary sum of £12,000) 204,356
18. Board of Control (Mental Deficiency), England 91,419
19. The Mint 33
20. National Debt Office 8,056
21. Public Record Office 15,509
22. Public Works Loan Commission 26
23. Registrar General's Office, England 26,768
25. Office of Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues 12,974
26. Office of Works and Public Buildings 88,710
27. Secret Service 23,000
28. Secretary for Scotland's Office 9,851
30. Fishery Board 15,497
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