HC Deb 04 August 1914 vol 65 c1929

1. "That a sum not exceeding £2,163,769 be granted to His Majesty to complete the sum necessary to defray the charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending the 31st March, 1915, for expenditure with respect of the services included in Class I. of the Estimates for the Civil Service, namely:—

1. Royal Palaces 38,270
2. Osborne 4,300
3. Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens 70,200
4. Houses of Parliament Buildings 34,700
5. Miscellaneous Legal Buildings, Great Britain 26,300
6. Art and Science Buildings, Great Britain 69,200
7. Diplomatic and Consular Buildings 60,050
8. Revenue Buildings 460,900
9. Insurance and Labour Exchange Buildings, Great Britain 129,200
10. Public Buildings, Great Britain 491,950
11. Surveys of the United Kingdom 122,485
12. Harbours under the Board of Trade 24,532
13. Peterhead Harbour 22,000
14. Rates on Government Property 414,000
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