HC Deb 04 August 1914 vol 65 cc1903-4

asked the President of the Board of Education if his attention has been called to the correspondence between the Somerset Education Committee and the Board relative to the plans for a new school at Banwell; if he is aware that the plans were sent in to the Board on 3rd April; that no question as to their suitability was raised by the Board till 23rd July; that the new school is urgently required, and that the action of the Board is causing delay at the best time of the year for building purposes; and whether he will endeavour to prevent any further delay in the matter?


The Board of Education approved the plans of the school, so far as educational requirements are concerned, on 16th March last. The Board's letter of 23rd July did not contain any criticisms of the plans, but asked for information as to the delay in the commencement of building operations. The plans require the approval of the Local Government Board as well as of the Board of Education, and I understand that they are still under the consideration of the Local Government Board, who are in communication with the county council with regard to the drainage.