HC Deb 23 April 1914 vol 61 c1080

asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware that some of the tenants on the Ely estate, South Wexford, dwell in houses unfit for human habitation; and whether, seeing that the holdings on the estate are now being vested in the tenants, the Estates Commissioners will consider the advisability of giving Grants or loans to such tenants for the purpose of improving their dwelling-houses or building new ones?


The holdings on this estate were purchased direct from the owner, under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and have been vested in the purchasers. As regards the allegations that the houses on some of the holdings are unfit for human habitation, this is a matter for the local authorities under the Public Health Acts, but so far as the Estates Commissioners are aware, the facts would not appear to be as alleged in the question. The Commissioners are not prepared to sanction any further advances in respect of the holdings which have been vested in the purchasers, but it is open to the purchasers if they require loans for building purposes to make application for such loans to the Commissioners of Public Works under the Land Improvements (Ireland) Acts.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if the Act of 1909 does not provide for loans to tenants through the Estates Commissioners, and further, if the inspector has made any report with reference to these houses?


I will make inquiry into that. I cannot reply without making inquiry.