HC Deb 19 June 1913 vol 54 c529

asked the Secretary of State whether he will issue a Home Office circular to magistrates suggesting that defendants shall be permitted to conceal their addresses if they wish to do so, or that such a privilege shall not be extended to any defendant, in view of the condition at present existing whereby defendants in well-to-do circumstances are frequently permitted to conceal their addresses, while those in poor circumstances are compelled to disclose them?


I have no reason to suppose that any practice prevails of the kind suggested in the question, and I know of no grounds for issuing any circular on the subject.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that cases constantly occur where well-to-do defendants are permitted to conceal their addresses and that there is great dissatisfaction with the present state of things which permits magistrates to use their discretion? And would it not be better in the circumstances to issue a circular saying the privilege should be extended to all or to none?


The information that comes to me is that there is no such distinction. I should be happy to receive from the Noble Lord such information as ha has upon the subject.