HC Deb 09 June 1913 vol 53 c1260

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of Albert Jones, who was convicted by the Dore magistrates on Tuesday last for taking fish otherwise than by angling and sentenced to fourteen days' imprisonment in Hereford gaol; whether he is aware that the witness in the case saw the prisoner fishing with a rod and line, and the only evidence on which the man was convicted was the statement of the witness that he saw a net and bag fastened to the prisoner's coat; and whether, in consideration of these circumstances, he will make inquiry into the matter with a view to a remission of the sentence?


I have made inquiry and find the facts have been incorrectly reported to my hon. Friend. Jones pleaded guilty to the charge of taking fish in private water with a rod and line. The charge of taking fish with a net was dismissed, and in view of his conviction two other charges of a similar nature were, on the suggestion of the magistrates, withdrawn.