§ 33. Dr. ADDISONasked the amount of the Grants, in all, made by the Board of 1345 Education last year to the following universities; the salary in each case of the vice-chancellor and the total income of the universities, namely: Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and Durham?
Mr. PEASEThe hon. Member will find the latest published information as to Grants and total income in the Reports for the year 1910–11 from Unversities and University Colleges in Great Britain in receipt of Grant from the Board of Education [Cd. 6245 of 1912]. The salary of the vice-chancellor at Bristol is £1,750, and at Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds, £2,000. I am informed that the vice-chancellor of Durham receives a salary of £150, not as remuneration, but in respect of the expenses incurred. I am unable to state the salary of the vice-chancellor of Sheffield.
§ 34. Dr. ADDISONasked what is the salary of the present vice-chancellor of the university of Bristol and at what time it was increased to its present amount; whether his advisory committee has ascertained that at that time there were full-time lecturers, demonstrators, or assistant lecturers or demonstrators at that university at salaries not exceeding £160 a year; whether there were any whose salaries were less than £120 a year, and, if so, how many; and if the advisory committee has inquired whether any requests were received from such teachers, either directly or through their chiefs, for increased remuneration, which were refused on the ground of lack of funds?
Mr. PEASEThe salary of the present vice-chancellor is £1,750 per annum. This salary has been attached to the post since the foundation of the university. I have no information with regard to the third part of the question. The answers to the second and last parts are in the negative.
§ Sir W. HOWELL DAVIESIs it usual for this House to interfere with the question of the management of a university?
§ Dr. ADDISONIs it not usual for this House when voting £9,500 to a university to be satisfied of the way in which the money is spent?
§ Dr. ADDISONMay I ask whether the advisory committee sent a report?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThere will be other opportunities of discussing this.
§ 35. Dr. ADDISONasked whether the teachers at the university of Bristol, other than professors, hold their appointment on a three months' tenure, subject to an annual process of reappointment; how this compares with the conditions affecting the tenure of office of teachers in public elementary schools; and whether his advisory committee have reported that it is in the best interests of university education?
Mr. PEASEI have no information with regard to the terms upon which teachers at the university of Bristol, other than professors, are appointed. I believe that agreements between teachers, local education authorities, and the managers of non-provided schools usually provide for the termination of the agreement on a month's notice from either side. My advisory committee's report does not deal with the point.
§ 36. Mr. CECIL HARMSWORTHasked whether at the convocation of graduates of the university of Bristol a resolution was adopted protesting against the distribution of honorary degrees by the council; whether any attempt has been made to expunge the records of such a resolution from the council's minutes; whether he is aware that at the last meeting of convocation on the 6th March officials of the university endeavoured to put down a resolution rescinding this protest; and whether his advisory committee has reported that such interference with the liberties of convocation is in accordance with the statutes of the university and in the best interests of education?
Mr. PEASEI have no knowledge of the matters referred to in the question, and I am unable to regard them as within my province. I have received no report on them from my advisory committee.
§ 37. Mr. CECIL HARMSWORTHasked the President of the Board of Education whether his advisory committee will make inquiries of the vice-chancellor of the university of Bristol whether he has received any letters in defence of Professor Cowl, with reference to his dismissal, from outside professors and scholars; whether he has communicated them to the council of the university; and, if not, will he grant an inquiry into the whole circumstances attaching to the case 1347 of Professor Cowl and into the administration of the university of Bristol before sanctioning any further Grant?
Mr. PEASEAs I have already informed the hon. Member for Hoxton, I am not prepared to ask the advisory committee to make any special inquiry into the matters referred to, nor is it my province to inquire into the circumstances connected with appointments and administration so long as I am satisfied with the quality of work in respect of which Grant is paid.