HC Deb 10 April 1913 vol 51 c1344
32. Mr. KING

asked at what date since 1902 the attention of the King's Lynn local education authority was called to the deficiency of school accommodation in King's Lynn; at what dates and to what extent elementary school accommodation has since been provided; whether he is aware that the latest published Returns show that there are only 3,049 school places for 3,266 on the roll when all children under five are excluded; and at what date sufficient accommodation for all children requiring school places will be supplied?


The figures contained in the question are not quite accurate. The Return shows 3,411 school places, and there is accommodation now for 3,429 in the schools in the authority's area. The average attendance for the last school year exceeded the accommodation in only two departments, and the excess amounted to one unit only in one ease and to two in the other. There are no children under five in attendance.

Sir J. D. REES

Do not other people, including Members of Parliament, suffer from overcrowding, and is it not better that there should be a little overcrowding than that the ratepayers should be bled to death?


That does not arise out of the question.


Is the margin which the right hon. Gentleman indicated sufficient for the exigencies of classing, occasional illness, and the general administration and conduct of the school?


I feel the conditions are normal at the present time.