HC Deb 25 November 1912 vol 44 cc797-8

asked the Home Secretary whether he will take steps to extend Sections 7, 8, and 11 of the London County Council by-laws as to employment agencies so as to apply to the United Kingdom as a whole, and not only to the area within the jurisdiction of the London County Council?


As regards registries for female domestic servants, local authorities can already obtain powers to make by-laws under Section 85 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, and the Home Office model form of by-laws under that Section, which have been adopted by a number of authorities, contain provisions similar to those in number 7 and 11 of the London County Council's by-laws to which the hon. Member refers. As regards registries for other classes of employment, the hon. Member's proposal could only be effected by legislation. I would refer him, however, to the provisions of the Children (Employment Abroad) Bill, introduced on behalf of the Home Office this Session in another place, which seeks to prohibit and restrict children and young persons being sent abroad for the purpose of performing for profit.


Has the right hon. Gentleman any power to compel local authorities to adopt these bylaws?


No, Sir, they are optional by-laws.