HC Deb 21 November 1912 vol 44 cc482-3

asked whether health insurance officers on a salary of £80 a year have to do a considerable amount of travelling every day, and that they are unable, as a rule, to get to their homes for a mid-day meal; if any allowance is made for travelling and subsistence; and, if not, will consideration be given to the need of this, in view of the low salary and the fact that most of these officers are married men?


Health insurance officers are entitled to travelling expenses from their headquarters (which in the great majority of cases are at present their homes) and to a day allowance of 3s. 4d. for necessary absence exceeding ten hours more than five miles from headquarters. Subsistence allowance is given at the rate of 10s. in the case of absence not exceeding fourteen nights in any one place or 6s. 8d. in the ease of absence exceeding fourteen nights in any one place.


Will the matter be inquired into, with special reference to the case of these officers?


I am quite willing to make further inquiries.