HC Deb 04 March 1912 vol 35 c9

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether his attention had been directed to the application of Mr. Lenett, of Bedhampton, Hampshire, for land under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act; and, if so, what action was being taken in connection therewith?


My attention had not previously been called to this case. I am now informed by the county council that they are endeavouring to obtain land in the locality, and that, if they are successful, it may be possible to offer Mr. Lenett a suitable holding.


asked what steps were being taken to secure land for applicants under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act at Emsworth, Hampshire, also to meet those applications made at and in the neighbourhood of Petersfield and Steep, in Hampshire, and those at Rowlands Castle and North Havant?


The county council are at present considering an offer of land at Emsworth. At Petersfield and Steep they have not yet been able to obtain land which could be let at a reasonable rent for small holdings. Four applications for land have been received from Rowlands Castle and North Havant. Three of these applications are quite recent, and the council are endeavouring to find land for the applicants. An offer of land has already been made to the fourth applicant and refused by him. I have instructed the Small Holdings Commissioner to give his attention to all the outstanding applications in the places to which my hon. Friend refers.


asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he can state when the Annual Report for 1911 of the proceedings under the Small Holding Act is likely to be published?


The preparation of Report is well advanced, and I hope that it may be issued early next month.