HC Deb 17 June 1912 vol 39 c1298
22. Mr. PETO

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is now taking steps to deal with a Report to him by the Imperial Merchant Service Guild of the case of the steamer "Razani," or "Ranzani," which, it is alleged, is trading abroad under the British flag, though of Greek ownership; whether, in view of the recent similar case of the "Coomassie," which was also officially reported by the guild, he will take action, in conjunction with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in ensuring that articles of registration as British ships shall not be granted unless there is absolute proof of genuine British ownership; and whether he intends to introduce legislation at an early date to provide that all ships flying the British flag, when leaving ports other than in the United Kingdom, shall at least be commanded and officered by men holding British certificates qualifying them for the position of masters and officers?


An inquiry under Section 51 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1906, was held some months ago by order of the Commissioners of Customs and Excise into the title of the "Ranzani" to be registered as a British ship, and after careful investigation it was concluded that the vessel was entitled to be so registered. I will cause inquiries to be made as to whether there has been any change in the ownership of the vessel since that inquiry. The Merchant Shipping Acts already contain provisions intended to ensure that certificates of registry shall not be given to ships other than those owned by persons qualified to own British ships under the Acts, and for special inquiry to be held if there appears to be any doubt as to the title of any registered ship to remain registered. My right hon. Friend has already considered the question of introducing legislation of the nature suggested by the hon. Member, and as at present advised he does not see his way to do so.


Am I to understand the Government will not favourably entertain any Amendment to the Merchant Shipping Bill extending its scope in the direction indicated in the question.


That is another matter which will be considered when the point arises.