HC Deb 22 February 1912 vol 34 c722

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been directed to the case of Mr. Patrick T. Daly, who stands charged with the offence of inciting certain unknown persons in Wexford to illegal acts, and who is now, in default of giving bail, confined to Waterford Gaol to await his trial at the next assizes; whether he is aware that language calculated to lead to violent action has recently been used by other persons in another part of Ireland with entire impunity; and whether, now that the strike in Wexford in connection with which Mr. Daly is alleged to have spoken the words complained of is at an end, the Government will consider the expediency of dropping the prosecution of Mr. Daly in the interests of peace?


The Attorney-General informs me that he does not see his way to dropping the prosecution of Mr. P. T. Daly. I am absolutely precluded from going into the merits of the prosecution, as Mr. Daly is now awaiting his trial.